Volunteer Opportunities
Big Brothers Big Sisters has many different volunteer opportunities available. Being a “Big" or a “Lunch Buddy" are the most common, however below are a few other ideas for you to consider. All volunteers must be 16 years of age or older.
- Board Member
- Events – BBBS hosts many events throughout the year and are always looking for volunteers to help make them a success.
- Fairs & Booths – BBBS attends fairs where booths need to be manned for a few hours. Handing out marketing materials and sharing our mission.
- Share – Help spread the word about upcoming events, recent news and marketing materials to area businesses.
- Do you have a special expertise that you want to share (computers, design, etc)?
Call 262-728-8865 or email info@bbbs4kids.org for information on other volunteer opportunities.
Find out more
If you would like to receive information about volunteering please submit the following information: